This is the incoming event class. For all situations where the server sent us some kind of event, this class handles all the data.

All events will have a :raw attribute that stores the exact text sent from the IRC server. Other possible pieces of data are as follows:

  • fullname: Rarely needed, full text of origin of an action

  • nick: Nickname of originator of an event

  • from: Nickname or server name, should be on every event

  • channel: Where applicable, the name of the channel in which the event happened.

  • message: Actual message/emote/notice/etc

  • target: User targeted for various commands - PRIVMSG/NOTICE recipient, KICK victim, etc

  • pm?: Set to true if the event is a “private” event (not sent to the channel). Useful primarily for message types of events (PRIVMSG).

To more easily call the right user event, we store each event type and its “parent” where it makes sense. This ensures that a user currently handling :incoming_ctcp won’t be totally screwed when we add in :incoming_userinfo and such. Top-level handlers aren’t in here, which is vital to avoid trying to hack around numerics (not to mention a bunch of fairly useless data)

Look at the source for specifics of which IRC events set up what data. Or try to parse the lovely RFCs.…

For convenience, the event stores its MessageParser object so users can access raw data as necessary (for numeric messages, this is often useful)

[R] msg
[R] raw
Class Public methods
new(data = {})

Incoming events always have :raw and :msg in the data hash

# File lib/net/yail/event.rb, line 97
def initialize(data = {})
  # Don't modify incoming element!
  @data = data.dup
  @raw = @data.delete(:raw)
  @msg = @data.delete(:msg)


Effectively our event “factory” - uses Net::YAIL::MessageParser and returns an event object - usually just one, but TODO: some lines actually contain multiple messages. When EventManager or similar is implemented, we’ll just register events and this will be a non-issue

# File lib/net/yail/event.rb, line 114
def self.parse(line)
  # Parse with MessageParser to get raw IRC info
  raw = line.dup
  msg =

  # All incoming events need .raw and .msg in addition to any base event attributes.
  # "from" is a tricky case as it isn't used on all messages - but because it's something of
  # a standard we rely on for so many messages, it has a default so that at the least one can
  # rely on not getting a crash for some of the edge cases (like "NOTICE :ERROR from"
  # or a server-less "NOTICE AUTH :xxxx").  Maybe more elements should have defaults... not
  # real sure yet.
  data = { :raw => raw, :msg => msg, :from => nil }

  # Not all messages from the server identify themselves as such, so we just assume it's from
  # the server unless we explicitly see a nick
  data[:server?] = true

  # Sane defaults for most messages
  if msg.servername
    data[:from] = data[:servername] = msg.servername
  elsif msg.prefix && msg.nick
    data[:fullname] = msg.prefix
    data[:from] = data[:nick] = msg.nick
    data[:server?] = false

  case msg.command
    when 'ERROR'
      data[:type] = :error
      data[:message] = msg.params.last
      event = new(data)

    when 'PING'
      data[:type] = :ping
      data[:message] = msg.params.last
      event = new(data)

    when 'TOPIC'
      data[:type] = :topic_change
      data[:channel] = msg.params.first
      data[:message] = msg.params.last
      event = new(data)

    when %r^\d{3}$/
      # Get base event for the "numeric" type - so many of these exist, and so few are likely
      # to be handled directly.  Sadly, some hackery has to happen here to make "message" backward-
      # compatible since old YAIL auto-joined all parameters into one string.
      data[:type] = :numeric
      params = msg.params.dup
      data[:target] = params.shift
      data[:parameters] = params
      data[:message] = params.join(' ')
      data[:numeric] = msg.command.to_i
      event = new(data)

      # Create child event for the specific numeric
      data[:type] = :"numeric_#{msg.command.to_i}"
      data[:parent] = event
      event = new(data)

    when 'INVITE'
      data[:type] = :invite
      data[:channel] = msg.params.last

      # This should always be us, but still worth capturing just in case
      data[:target] = msg.params.first
      event = new(data)
    # This can encompass three possible messages, so further refining happens here - the last param
    # is always the message itself, so we look for patterns there.
    when 'PRIVMSG'
      event = privmsg_events(msg, data)
    # This can encompass two possible messages, again based on final param
    when 'NOTICE'
      event = notice_events(msg, data)
    when 'MODE'
      event = mode_events(msg, data)

    when 'JOIN'
      data[:type] = :join
      data[:channel] = msg.params.last
      event = new(data)

    when 'PART'
      data[:type] = :part
      data[:channel] = msg.params.first
      data[:message] = msg.params.last
      event = new(data)

    when 'KICK'
      data[:type] = :kick
      data[:channel] = msg.params[0]
      data[:target] = msg.params[1]
      data[:message] = msg.params[2]
      event = new(data)

    when 'QUIT'
      data[:type] = :quit
      data[:message] = msg.params.first
      event = new(data)

    when 'NICK'
      data[:type] = :nick
      data[:message] = msg.params.first
      event = new(data)
    # Unknown line!  If this library is complete, we should *never* see this situation occur,
    # so it'll be up to the caller to decide what to do.
      data[:type] = :unknown
      event = new(data)

  return event
Class Protected methods
mode_events(msg, data)

Parses a MODE to its events - basic, backward-compatible :mode event for now, but TODO: eventually get set up for multiple atomic mode messages (need event manager first)

# File lib/net/yail/event.rb, line 237
def self.mode_events(msg, data)
  data[:type]     = :mode
  data[:channel]  = msg.params.shift
  data[:message]  = msg.params.shift
  data[:targets]  = msg.params
  event = new(data)
notice_events(msg, data)

Parses a NOTICE to its events - CTCP replies come through here

# File lib/net/yail/event.rb, line 294
def self.notice_events(msg, data)
  # Parse common elements
  parse_message_data(msg, data)

  # Get base event
  data[:type] = :notice
  data[:message] = msg.params.last
  event = new(data)

  if event.message =~ %r^\0001(.+?)\0001$/
    data[:type] = :ctcp_reply
    data[:message] = $1
    data[:parent] = event

    event = new(data)

  return event
parse_message_data(msg, data)

Parses basic data for the “message” constructs: PRIVMSG and NOTICE

# File lib/net/yail/event.rb, line 246
def self.parse_message_data(msg, data)
  # Defaults so all messages have a fairly standard interface
  data[:pm?] = false
  data[:target] = nil
  data[:channel] = msg.params.first

  # If this isn't a channel message, set up PM data - keep channel, just set it to nil so the
  # API is consistent
  unless msg.params.first =~ %r^[!&#+]/
    data[:channel] = nil
    data[:pm?] = true
    data[:target] = msg.params.first
privmsg_events(msg, data)

Parses a PRIVMSG to its events - CTCP stuff needs parents, ACT stuff needs two-parent hierarchy

# File lib/net/yail/event.rb, line 263
def self.privmsg_events(msg, data)
  # Parse common elements
  parse_message_data(msg, data)

  # Get base event
  data[:type] = :msg
  data[:message] = msg.params.last
  event = new(data)

  # Is this CTCP?
  if event.message =~ %r^\0001(.+?)\0001$/
    data[:type] = :ctcp
    data[:message] = $1
    data[:parent] = event
    event = new(data)

  # CTCP action?
  if :ctcp == data[:type] && event.message =~ %r^ACTION (.+)$/
    data[:type] = :act
    data[:message] = $1
    data[:parent] = event

    event = new(data)

  return event
Instance Public methods

Incoming events in our system are always :incoming_xxx

# File lib/net/yail/event.rb, line 107
def event_class
  return "incoming"